Lloyd Reshard

What do Cognitive Big Data Systems, Inc. and the U.S. Department of State have in common? International exchange, of course! Though people do not often think of science and technology as a large part of learning about other cultures, it is nevertheless a hugely important part of the exchanges we do at Gulf Coast Diplomacy. When interested in the business aspects of this field, visitors frequently meet with Lloyd Reshard, CEO of Pensacola’s Cognitive Big Data Systems, Inc.

During one of Reshard’s last meetings with international visitors, he spoke with Russian professionals learning about entrepreneurship. During their time together, they compared different ideas and business norms in their respective locations. Each learned something new about standard methods for businesses in another country halfway around the world, which they might then implement later in their companies. This exchange allows people with various backgrounds and ideas to come together to share possible solutions to similar obstacles.

Reshard observed that this is a trend in his experience with international exchanges, leading to certain benefits for him and his business. In particular, he noted how helpful it is to learn what another country feels is a best practice in various scenarios since “it puts us in a position to test what other people do to make [things] work.” Through seeing the similarities and differences of how things are done in each country, people facing mutual challenges can make much more headway faster than before. Reshard has noticed this effect repeatedly in everything from international work travel to smaller meetings with IVLP participants that do not necessarily have much to do with his work. 

In the future, Reshard hopes to continue his work on this international scale. Through travel on his own and welcoming international visitors to his business locally, Reshard enjoys reaping the benefits of this exchange of ideas, and he encourages others to get involved. As they say in the business world, the benefits outweigh the cost.

To learn more about Reshard’s company, check out its website: http://cognitivebds.com/