Youth Diplomat Reflection

On Saturday, January 16th, we had our monthly Youth Diplomats Zoom meeting. We started with a game of Kahoot on current events, and the exciting announcement of the opening of applications for The Experiment Digital 2021. It was an incredible ice breaker, as it opened the room for some discussion and laughter along the way.

This month, we had the pleasure to participate in a facilitated discussion. Facilitated discussions allow us to open our horizons to new points of view and learn about prevalent issues around the world. As a part of the Leadership Committee, it brings me joy to see youth from our community engaging in current events and see how eager they are to see changes in the world. In this discussion, we talked about the Red Sea Rivalries where the Gulf states are asserting their dominance over the Horn of Africa, which has led to a surge of political, economic, and strategic engagement around the Red Sea. In this facilitation, we examined the struggle of the impacted by this rivalry and discussed possible solutions benefiting the people of these countries. Facilitated discussions create unity and help us come together to build solutions for current events in our community and around the world.

Afterward, we had a diplomatic simulation which is one of the Youth Diplomats’ favorite activities. For this simulation, we were divided into different stakeholder groups, given time constraints, and were challenged to negotiate solutions to an international crisis. This month, we focused on a border security issue. We were placed in countries and organizations to reach a peaceful and permanent solution for Disputia, an imaginary land in a National Museum of American Diplomacy activity. Although we are places in the simulation were imaginary, the issues are real. This allows us to grasp and truly understand the internal conflicts of prevalent current events & helps us be better world citizens, more knowledgeable about the world around us.

Lastly, we ended our time together with “two roses and a thorn.”  Here, we could decompress and allow room for discussions on our favorite parts of the meeting and learn how we can improve.

The Youth Diplomats is an amazing program where we explore different cultures, learn about prevalent issues, and create a safe space for diversity.  During these tough times, the Youth Diplomats has allowed us to see the world from different lenses and broaden our horizons.

– Manuela Palacio, Youth Diplomat & Leadership Committee Member

Adelle Barkhuizen takes a “pandemic selfie” on Youth Diplomat Saturday.